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Overview: SRI/USRSA owns and operates the website The website's purpose is to highlight and celebrate the achievements of people with running streaks. We value the privacy of everyone who shares their running streaks with us (our Members). This privacy policy (the "Privacy Policy") explains how we collect and use the information that our Members provide us.
We collect and store the following information: Full Name, Birthdate, Email, Telephone, Country, Gender, Occupation, Street Address, City, US State, Region/Province/Canton, Postal Code, Membership start date, Type of Membership, Membership Payment dates, Running Streak Start Date, Running Streak End Date, and Running Streak Certification (collectively "Your Personal Information"). Only members of our board and our web developer have access to Your Personal Information.
We display the following information on our website, which is fully accessible to the world: Full Name, Age, Country, Occupation, US State or Region/Province/Canton, Membership start date, Running Streak Start Date, and Running Streak End Date (if applicable). Our website does not display any other aspect of Your Personal Information.
We collect birthdates to calculate the age of active streak runners: Birthdates are also used by you so that you can access and modify your account information.
No third-party disclosures: Other than what is displayed on our website, we do not disclose any of Your Personal Information to any third-parties. Occasionally will grant a request for general running statistics, such as how many streak runners are from each US state.
Deleting Your Personal Information: You can delete all of the information from our database and our website by submitting a request here. If you delete your account, your name will no longer be on the Active Streak List, Retired Streak List, or Membership List. This action cannot be undone.
Cookies: This website does not use cookies.