All Streaks

ACTIVE streaks RETIRED streaks TOTAL streaks
TOTAL streaks 4,921 2,966 7,887
United States 3,057 2,101 5,158
United Kingdom 254 104 358
Canada 149 79 228
Sweden 814 401 1,215
Germany 94 69 163
Australia + New Zealand + Oceania 103 52 155
Denmark 60 14 74
Norway 76 19 95
Other Countries 314 127 441

Longest streaks

Man with the longest streak
Woman with the longest streak
Jon Sutherland
20,309 days
(55.60 years)
Lois Bastien
16,349 days
(44.76 years)
Man with the longest ACTIVE streak
Woman with the longest ACTIVE streak
Jim G. Pearson
20,063 days
(54.93 years)
Lois Bastien
16,349 days
(44.76 years)


Oldest Man with an Active Streak
Oldest Woman with an Active Streak
Ward D. Crutcher, Age 85
16,097 days
(44.07 years)
Lois Bastien, Age 88
16,349 days
(44.76 years)


ACTIVE streaks RETIRED streaks TOTAL streaks
Female 2,077 1,100 3,177
Male 2,836 1,860 4,696
Non-binary 8 6 14

Runners with 4 or more streaks

Herbert L. Fred (D) (10)

Terrell Worley (9)

Howard Paul Feldman (6)

Gordy S. Strickland (6)

Craig Snapp (5)

Ken Johnson (5)

Jay Kammerzell (5)

David Max (4)

Wendell DeBoer (D) (4)

John David Magnuson (4)

Dave Beverlin (4)

Roger H. Nelson (4)

Don Slusser (4)

Jeff Gould (4)

Tim A Stearman (4)

Barbie Roemer (4)

Stephen Davis (4)

Ronald W. Shealy (4)

Bob Hensley (4)

George A. Hancock (4)

Patrick J. Foley (4)

Number of people with multiple running streaks: 452

Streaks in Each Category

ACTIVE streaks RETIRED streaks TOTAL streaks
Double Nickels (55+ years) 0 1 1
Hills (50 to < 55 years) 5 1 6
Coverts (45 to < 50 years) 16 5 21
Legends (40 to < 45 years) 13 13 26
Grand Masters (35 to < 40 years) 14 26 40
Masters (30 to < 35 years) 18 26 44
Dominators (25 to < 30 years) 22 29 51
Highly Skilled (20 to < 25 years) 31 39 70
Well Versed (15 to < 20 years) 135 38 173
Experienced (10 to < 15 years) 509 95 604
Proficient (5 to < 10 years) 1,806 410 2,216
Neophytes (1 to < 5 years) 2,352 2,283 4,635
TOTAL streaks 4,921 2,966 7,887


50 States & District of Columbia
Have Streaks

All 3,057 2,101* 5,158
Alabama (AL) 23 13 36
Alaska (AK) 4 9 13
Arizona (AZ) 55 35 90
Arkansas (AR) 11 19 30
California (CA) 189 155 344
Colorado (CO) 80 52 132
Connecticut (CT) 39 33 72
Delaware (DE) 11 6 17
District Of Columbia (DC) 11 7 18
Florida (FL) 144 110 254
Georgia (GA) 81 63 144
Hawaii (HI) 4 2 6
Idaho (ID) 20 10 30
Illinois (IL) 114 54 168
Indiana (IN) 89 48 137
Iowa (IA) 45 27 72
Kansas (KS) 30 21 51
Kentucky (KY) 20 16 36
Louisiana (LA) 14 9 23
Maine (ME) 18 14 32
Maryland (MD) 81 53 134
Massachusetts (MA) 102 84 186
Michigan (MI) 116 85 201
Minnesota (MN) 166 166 332
Mississippi (MS) 5 6 11
Missouri (MO) 198 51 249
Montana (MT) 8 10 18
Nebraska (NE) 25 14 39
Nevada (NV) 16 11 27
New Hampshire (NH) 23 9 32
New Jersey (NJ) 91 89 180
New Mexico (NM) 15 9 24
New York (NY) 162 112 274
North Carolina (NC) 107 49 156
North Dakota (ND) 4 0 4
Ohio (OH) 116 70 186
Oklahoma (OK) 21 14 35
Oregon (OR) 46 39 85
Pennsylvania (PA) 155 103 258
Rhode Island (RI) 6 7 13
South Carolina (SC) 31 33 64
South Dakota (SD) 16 2 18
Tennessee (TN) 53 36 89
Texas (TX) 195 147 342
Utah (UT) 16 11 27
Vermont (VT) 11 8 19
Virginia (VA) 101 77 178
Washington (WA) 72 54 126
West Virginia (WV) 10 2 12
Wisconsin (WI) 76 39 115
Wyoming (WY) 11 8 19
*Total Number of people with retired US streaks: 1,847


77 Countries
Have Streaks

All 4921 2966 7887
Algeria (DZ) 1 0 1
Australia (AU) 70 32 102
Austria (AT) 6 3 9
Belgium (BE) 11 2 13
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) 1 1 2
Brazil (BR) 7 3 10
Canada (CA) 149 79 228
China (CN) 1 1 2
Colombia (CO) 4 0 4
Cote d'Ivoire (CI) 3 1 4
Croatia (HR) 3 0 3
Cuba (CU) 7 4 11
Czech Republic (CZ) 3 6 9
Denmark (DK) 60 14 74
Egypt (EG) 1 0 1
El Salvador (SV) 1 0 1
Estonia (EE) 1 0 1
Finland (FI) 15 6 21
France (FR) 17 8 25
Germany (DE) 94 69 163
Greece (GR) 4 1 5
Guam (GU) 2 1 3
Hong Kong (HK) 4 1 5
Hungary (HU) 3 0 3
India (IN) 28 7 35
Indonesia (ID) 7 0 7
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) 1 0 1
Ireland (IE) 16 6 22
Isle of Man (IM) 1 1 2
Israel (IL) 2 1 3
Italy (IT) 3 2 5
Japan (JP) 10 2 12
Jordan (JO) 1 0 1
Kenya (KE) 4 0 4
Korea, Republic of (KR) 3 2 5
Lithuania (LT) 2 1 3
Luxembourg (LU) 0 1 1
Malaysia (MY) 6 0 6
Malta (MT) 1 0 1
Mexico (MX) 3 2 5
Morocco (MA) 1 0 1
Namibia (NA) 0 1 1
Netherlands (NL) 16 13 29
New Zealand (NZ) 33 20 53
Nicaragua (NI) 1 0 1
Nigeria (NG) 1 0 1
Northern Mariana Islands (MP) 6 0 6
Norway (NO) 76 19 95
Peru (PE) 1 0 1
Philippines (PH) 4 1 5
Poland (PL) 10 3 13
Portugal (PT) 2 1 3
Puerto Rico (PR) 2 0 2
Réunion (RE) 1 0 1
Romania (RO) 3 0 3
Russian Federation (RU) 9 4 13
Serbia (RS) 1 0 1
Singapore (SG) 2 3 5
Slovakia (SK) 1 1 2
Slovenia (SI) 7 7 14
South Africa (ZA) 20 9 29
Spain (ES) 7 4 11
Sweden (SE) 814 401 1,215
Switzerland (CH) 12 10 22
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) 2 0 2
Thailand (TH) 2 0 2
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) 1 0 1
Uganda (UG) 1 0 1
Ukraine (UA) 11 2 13
United Arab Emirates (AE) 4 1 5
United Kingdom (GB) 254 104 358
United States (US) 3,057 2,101 5,158
United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM) 1 0 1
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of (VE) 1 1 2
Vietnam (VN) 0 1 1
Zimbabwe (ZW) 1 0 1
Åland Islands (AX) 0 2 2